The Danish Town Planning Institute

The Danish Town Planning Institute

The Danish Town Planning Institute is a private, independent institution that aims to showcase urban and regional planning in Denmark. The Institute addresses town planners, students, public authorities and interested citizens who wish to know more about town planning. 

The Institute puts considerable effort into both ensuring that current town planning issues and questions attract interest and promoting new knowledge and ideas within town planning. The Institute achieves this through various channels: publishing activities, participating in development projects, arranging courses, seminars, conferences and study tours and taking part in the debate on town planning on an active and ongoing basis. 

The Institute's most recent publication, is a comprehensive and informative guide to town planning in Denmark since 1945. The book is aimed at upper-secondary and first-year university students, tourists, politicians, planners and other groups interested in town planning. The examples of town planning featured in each chapter include maps, illustrations and photos. 
Find more information on how to purchase Town planning in Denmark: 1945–2010

Contact: Danish Town Planning Institute Raadhusstraede 6, 1. sal. 1166 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel. +45 3313 7281 E-mail